Center Organization


Do your center activities look like a hot mess in your filing cabinet?  There is a better way!  It took me years or trial and error to find the perfect organization for my activities.

Who loves Target?  (My hand is raised!!!  Ok, both hands are raised!!!)  I do my best thinking at Target.  While walking the aisles of the organization section, it hit me!  The perfect protection for all of those odd shaped center activities would be a Tupperware box.  No cramming, wrinkling, or shoving!  So I started with the three units that I was teaching that week:  Nouns, Short Vowel Words, and Measurement.  I purchased three buckets for $1.50 each ($4.50 total) and as the week went along, I gently placed all the WS copies in a folder at the bottom of the bucket and when the unit was complete, I put all of my center games in as well.  It worked perfectly!!!  I was so excited.  So I then purchased tubs for my next few units and so forth.  It literally took me a year to get everything in their boxes, but it was so worth it!!! Here’s what my unit buckets look like today (3 years later)!
I used the cheap shelf rack things and zip tied them together in a way that worked for me below my guided reader buckets.  I threw in seasonal buckets as well for those activities that really save a teacher’s life!
classroom organization, classroom filing cabinets, classroom organization ideas
Here’s a closer look!  I have all my reading bins together, ELA, and Math.  I decided to keep my Science and Social Studies units in the filing cabinet, because they don’t have as many centers and crushable pieces as the other three subject areas do.  As you can see some bins are full and others are not near as full.  I think if I return to the traditional classroom in the future, I will probably divide out some of the buckets.  For example, addition will be split addition with single digits, double digits, etc.
classroom organization, classroom filing cabinets, classroom organization ideas
Now that I am out of the classroom, I still have my bins set up for checkout by other teachers.  I can’t tell you how many times this year my bins have already been used by fellow teachers who need extra supplemental materials.
Who knew $1.50 at a time could literally change my school life!  That’s all the boxes cost at any given store.  Don’t get the shoe size, they are a little too small and will bend the WS!  If you are interested, the labels for the top and front of the boxes are in my TPT store that you can check out here.

One Comment

  • I do see, after my original post, you do have the games with the directions. It just that there are two that I have printed out that I don’t know what the cover is. Its the words with blends, readers. Ex. sw, gr…and also, word families. ex. -an…I cant seem to find where in the bundle I found them to go back to. Your bundles are chuck full of great interventions that I haven’t printed them all.

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