Dear Tired Teacher,
First of all, congratulations! You have almost made it to the end of the first semester. Look how far your students have come!!! Be proud of their growth. I know…it took a lot of work to get them where they are. Yes, they are currently eating crayons, acting like their chairs are large yoga balls, and thinking more about a million other things than your current units of study. Can you blame them though? What are you really wanting to think about? Personally, all I want to do is put on PJs, drink coffee on my couch, stare at my newly placed Christmas lights and binge on Netflix while doing some online shopping. Let’s think for a minute though…
What if Christmas cheer only comes to your students at school and not at home?
Kind of sad to think about, but all of those fun coloring sheets you have been doing for morning work, the few lights you have around the door frame, and the simple 3-foot tree at the front of the room, might be all that your students see of Christmas cheer. They won’t be getting anything much to celebrate on December 25th. What you are doing the next couple of weeks might be the most fun and exciting things they have experienced all year.
I don’t write all this to be a “Debbie Downer”. Simply as a parent of two very excited boys and an intervention teacher to some of the less fortunate students in the county, I ask that we try to put on a brave face the next two weeks and spread Christmas cheer with compassion and enthusiasm. This is a challenging hard time and we don’t really want to be here. However, let’s make the next 2 weeks a celebration of the time we have with our students. Change it up a little and allow students to engage in more fun December themed units and centers. Creating ornaments is totally a standard…right???? Enjoy your next two weeks of school and remember to love on those students as much as you can. You might be the only Christmas hug they get! Merry Christmas friends!
Meghan Harris
Here’s a FREEBIE to help spread a little Christmas cheer 🙂 Enjoy! Click Here
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